
In view of the importance of communication, knowledge and creativity, willingness to engage in dialogue between the entrepreneur and the designer is increasingly at the core of any successful product strategy. To be equal to the tasks involved requires forward-looking dialogue based on trust. The point to remember is that design solutions that set standards are always the result of committed teamwork. And that provides tremendous reassurance when creating a product.

success is a matter of form.

Design unites beauty and function. Design reflects the culture and conscience of a society. Design is responsibility and a conscientious approach to the mundane. It is probably the way we bring the mundane into form. For more and more people and institutions confirm this.

Ehrenpreis Top Ten Design NRW 2003. nomination Bundespreis für Produktdesign 1995, 1998, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008. Ehrenpreis für Produktdesign des Landes NRW 1997. German Design Award Special 2016. German Design Award 2018, 2019. Design Prize Rheinland-Pfalz 2013. Good Design Award Chicago Athenaeum 2006, 2007, 2017. Design Turkey Award 2013. Design Plus 2003, 2009, 2013. red dot award 1987, 1989, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2010, 2016. red dot award: best of the best, 1997, 2016. red dot award communication design 2001. iF design award 1995,1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2016, 2018, 2019. Lighting Product Award 1997. Design Auswahl Stuttgart 1988. Bayerischer Staatspreis 1989. Innovationspreis Architektur und Technik 2007: "Anerkennung" und "besondere Anerkennung". Innovationspreis architecture and health 2008: "Anerkennung". Anerkennung beim Bayerischer Staatspreis für Nachwuchsdesigner 2002. Anerkennung beim Designpreis Neunkirchen 2001. Anerkennung beim Marianne-Brandt-Preis 2001. Golden Intrama 1994. "Frischzellen"-Wettbewerb von "" 2002, 1. Preis

public relations.

"Design - Ohne Strategie Geldverschwendung", Lippe Wissen & Wirtschaft 04/2009. "ISH 2009", design report . "Mobile Sitzhilfe", md 07/2005. "Ruhe ist die beste Medizin.", medAmbiente Architektur 2005. "Wellness / Showroom", RAS 03/2001 / 2003. "Design Plus", Il Bagno 2003. "Nexus Product Design: sachlich = schön", Mein Neues Bad 02/2002. "Was ärgert Sie gerade, Kai Uetrecht?", design report 7+8/2001. "Florales Wachstum als Wohnwelt", design report 09/2001. "Wer sitzen will, muss säen", form Nr. 180. "Vision grow", Page 08/2001. "Terrashower - Naturstein für die Dusche", md 06/2001. "Badewonnen", Bäder Nr. 14. Jahrbücher Who´s Who in German Design, Designer Profile.